The Wood's Empire

December 13-14, 2008
We finally got a chance to get up for a long planned trip to Stirling for a visit with Merritt & June.
Sunday night we enjoyed an awesome turkey dinner and the girls decorated the freshly cut tree.

The next day while Chris and June went shopping, Merritt and I went on a tour of the Wood's Estates.
Most of the Wood's live within a few 100 yards of one another. Sondra lives next door on the river. Bruce lives a few houses up the street also on the river and Brian lives across the street from Merritt's. Their other daughter Karen lives in Kamloops.
First stop on the tour was property that Karen owns right beside the lock in Glen Ross. We continued over the bridge to Brian's Hunt Camp, 55 acres that he owns across the river. The
garage is located at the back of the property down by the river. This was where they hung the deer that they shot this fall. There is also a large living room at the back of the building with a view of the river.

A view of the river.

Next we drove a few miles to Grandpa's Camp, a 100 acre hunt camp that Merritt owns on Wilson island. The actual hunt camp is located on the back channel of the island and also has a trailer where Merritt and I enjoyed a cold one.

The outhouse has a view of the water!

Next stop was Brian's cottage. It's located on the other side of the island on the Main Channel His old one burned down last fall and this is the one that he is building to replace it! Brian has done most of the work himself.

Check out the size of the timbers inside!

We then went to visit "Uncle" Gary (June's brother). Gary is a master carpenter and has built the addition on Merritt's home and also the one up at Weslemkoon. The inside of his home demonstrates his talents right down to the fireplace. He was just finishing a beautiful fireplace for a client that I missed getting a shot of.

The other interesting thing about Gary is that he is trapper in the winter. There were pelts (and other things) everywhere.

I believe these are martens. The items hanging on the wire behind are beaver balls!

These are racoons and otters.

This is a beaver pelt drying.

We returned to Merritt's in time for a million dollar view of a beautiful sunset looking up the river!

Thanks for all the hospitality guys!

Sleep Over

December 13, 2008
Evan and Rachel came for a sleep over. We had a marathon movie night on Friday night watching Home Alone (which Evan laughed at uncontrollably) and followed that up with Polar Express.
I had been saving a complete set of Inspector Gadget still in their plastic bags from McDonalds from 1999. I thought that I would make a fortune on E-Bay with it (current price $7.97 - Buy it Now). Oh well..... might as well get some use out of it, so I brought it out and Evan and I had fun assembling it.

He was very proud of his work!

We also decided to get matching tattoos!!

Rachel was great!!! Up until a few weeks ago, she had been very shy, but she has obviously gotten through that stage. She was a ton of fun and surely loves her big brother!

Official Start!

December 10, 2008
Well, its finally started!
The Rec Room (Loon's Nest Lodge / FishGuts Studio "B") construction is finally begun. The first wall has been studded! The board going across in the first shot is where my guitars and instruments will be hanging.

Target completion date.......... April 25.

Silicon Lab Christmas Get Together

December 9, 2008
I started in the Silicon Lab in 1970 and worked there until 1989. The Lab shut down a few years later. The bonds from that work environment were very strong and the majority of its co-workers continue to get together every Christmas. This year 16 of us met at Kelsys for a great dinner, a lot of reminiscing and a great deal of laughter.
This is the first year that the retirees outnumber the still employed!!

You couldn't get a better group to work with. Lots of great memories.

FishGuts Christmas

December 5, 2008
The FishGuts had their annual Christmas Party at Kelseys this year and we followed it up by going to Moe and Joann's house for Teramasu (Awesome Joann).
That's my brother in the middle of the couch in the first two pictures putting the moves on the ladies!!

John, Barry and Kim were mesmerized by the stories that Ed was telling. Eileen has heard it all before.


Here's what I was using for a bounce flash to get the proper lighting!

Merry Christmas FishGuts!

Lady's Day Out!!

December 4, 2008
I had promised Mae that I would take her and her lady friends to the Geritol Follies. I picked them up and delivered them to Hamilton Place with plenty of time to spare.
While waiting for the show to end, I stopped by Dofasco on my way to get my hair cut, and found out it was Pat Gilfillan's last day. It was great to see all my old co-workers although I have to admit that I already felt like an outsider!
I returned to Hamilton Place to pick up "my ladies" and must admit that they are an inspiration to me. They are all very active and agile for their age, and a lot of fun to be around.

I never did get my hair cut!!

Happy Birthday Rachel !

December 2, 2008
Monday, Chris and I went up to our Timeshare in Lagoon City to help out with maintenance week. The main street in Lagoon City was beautiful at night. The picture doesn't do it justice.

Tuesday was Rachel's first birthday so we made our way down to Brooklin. First stop was at the arena to see Evan skating.

When we got to the house, he proudly showed us the Snowman and Gingerbread House that he had made with his Mom.

Then the birthday candles were lit and Evan helped Rachel blow out the candles and Rachel got the first piece.

Which she enjoyed thoroughly!!

She loved her new phone and her Pushy/Wheely thing!

She is getting so close to walking.

Old Friends

November 27, 2008
Got together with two of my oldest Dofasco co-workers and our wives for a great lunch at the King's Buffet in Stoney Creek. Bill, Merrie, Paul & Jean have been close friends now for over 35 years.
One year ago we were all working!