Gave up on the idea of Phoenix and decided to stick around Sedona for another day. This place is so special! Many people had told us that we had to go for breakfast at the Coffee Pot Restaurant and we're glad we did! For beginners, 101 different kinds of omelettes!
The food was fabulous and the company was grand!.........Cheers!.........
Next we visited a nearby "Vortex" near the airport. These are supposed to contain strong magnetic or spiritual forces. Now, don't write me off just yet, but I did find it to be very relaxing and spiritual. In fact this whole area experience has been very relaxing and uplifting.
This is the top of the hill of the vortex.
And looking down.
The view was absolutely amazing!!! The experience exhilarating!! A 360 degree view of all the rock formations around the city!!!
Another Double Clicker!

Next destination was the Chapel of the Holy Cross designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
An absolutely beautiful structure and view!
These photos weere taken up by the Chapel.
Notice the shacks that people are forced to live in here!!!
I'll bet Gary could use the Observatory at the top of this house!!
The suset brings a whole different lighting and look to the formations around Sedona!
My brother Bud has said that he waits for my posts like an expectant Mother!! Its funny, but I know what he means. I remember our trip out West in Sept. '07 and how he got enjoyment out watching my enjoyment. He has talked to me so long about Sedona and the Grand Canyon that I know he is enjoying it "all over again" through my reports. It is a special bond that we have. There is something in us that makes us want to adventure out. He has it a lot worse than me though. If only we could affect our sister Judy in the same way. I know if she could get herself out here that she would enjoy it every bit as much as we have.
Tomorrow the plan is to knock off another one of my top "50 Things To Do Before I Die"!
Stay Tuned!!!
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