Okay, today we start at the end.
We were driving through New Mexico today and I saw a tumbleweed blow by. I was telling Chris about seeing "A" tumbleweed when I was with Bud out west a couple of years ago. A few hours later we were on our way to Amarillo, TX and had just past through Tucumcari, NM and I saw a barrier that said "I40 Closed" at the side of the road. This was the second one I had seen today (they were both retracted at the side of the road) and I said to Chris "I wonder what they would use those for?
It wasn't any more than a few miles further down the road that all of a sudden ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!! The wind (crosswind) had picked up all of a sudden and we found ourselves in a TumbleWeed storm from hell!!! At one point there must have been over 100 tumbleweeds of all sizes blowing all across the road out of nowhere (don't forget it was dark)!! We must have seen 1000's of tumbleweeds. I was worried that they may have scratched the van (we'll find out in the morning). It was like a white out in a snow storm, except it was a Brown Out!! Very scary! I was following a transport that was being blown all over the road (you didn't dare stop) , but at least I could see his tail lights. This went on for well over an hour!
Okay I got that off my chest. I think the Rolling Rock I'm having is helping calm me down.
Now let's start at the beginning shall we?
We woke up early this morning and decided to have breakfast at the Coffee Pot Restaurant again to get one more chance to pass through Sedona on our way to Amarillo.
This is what we saw on our way into town. This is already on my LIST, so we will do it next time!
The inside of the Coffe Pot.
Cheers again!
Now that is what I call a breakfast!! And it tasted as good as it looks!!
We stopped at Meteor Crater to have a gander. It was 6 miles off the road and obviously privately run. We asked a lady from Iowa who was just coming out how much it cost and she said $17/person hahahahahahahha She told us all about it, so I said "Thanks for the tour"! I will get my brother to take pictures (and pay the entry fee) when he comes with Malcolm!! 8O)
This is the only shot I got of the outside of the rim!
Here's what it looks like from the air. I believe my Iowa guide said that it was 2 miles across and over 500 feet deep!

Next stop Winslow Arizona!! Yesterday I was thinking of the Trompers and today my mind is on the FishGuts, the Basement Band that I'm in.
Some of the lyrics from the Eagles' famous song "Take it Easy"
Well, I'm standing on the corner
In Winslow, Arizona
And such a fine sight to see
Its a girl, my lord, in a flatbed
Ford slowin down to take a look at me
Come on, baby, dont say maybe
I gotta know if your sweet love is
Gonna save me
We may lose and we may win though
We will never be here again
So open up, Im climbin in,
So take it easy
This is a song that we do almost as good as the Eagles!!! 8O)
The idea was to stop in Winslow for a photo op and also order a custom brick with the band's name and member's names enscribed on it. That way we will always be standin' on the corner!!
This is another thing that's on my LIST (although not near the top).
Here is the famous "Standing on the Corner Parkette"
My good (former) buddy?? and fellow band member Barry magically took this picture of me Standing on the corner. lol
Here's Chris and I.
Here's some of the bricks that are already there (6 weeks from now we'll be enshrined in fame!).
Took a quick look in the Route 66 museum there and found out that Blue Collar Comedy Team member Bill Engvall is from Winslow!!
That's enough for now. Got to get to bed. Got another 9 hour drive (and 2 BPS stores) in the morning!
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