1) We didn't have WiFi
2) And the real reason, we were just too busy having fun!!
There are so many things that I could report on, here are a few. I will eventually move this and Part 2 (still to be reported) to their rightful chronological order.
February 7 - 14, 2009
The Houses of Summer Bay are one of our timeshare highlights and we were looking forward to moving into the House with Merritt, June, Sondra and Mike and also the predicted better weather.
This is a 3 bedroom house with a lanai that included our own personal hot tub and pool ...........and a view like this!!
Now that's what its all about!!
The girls didn't waste any time getting into the pool.
And there were toasts all around!!
Saturday we had a great night at Old Towne for Cruise Night and Merritt found an identical Mustang to the one he used to have.
Mike (and June) cooked up some great dinners!
On the Monday, Chris and I took a trip to Honeymoon Island to do some shelling. This was something we had looked forward to for a long time.
We walked for miles on the beach which is a sheller's delight!
We saw many of these friends who were escorting us along the shore!
After several hours we had two very full bags of some great looking shells which also included 11 sand dollars!
We spent a very enjoyable afternoon in Dunedin at a number of antique stores and then had lunch at the IHOP in Clearwater Beach where we had eaten two years ago.
Temps had warmed to 77F
We took a drive along the Gulf Coast towards John's Pass. The section below is near Moe's Timeshare. This specific section has been under construction now for 3 years!!!
Moe's Timeshare looked to be in good shape!
We spent a great late afternoon in John's Pass and Chris got to go to a couple of Beall's stores and her all time favourite Dollar Store (Yawn!!) before heading home.
June taught Chris how to crochet!! Nice potholder Hon!!!
The one evening we got back to our house, Sondra went into her bathroom and initially thought that Mike had not flushed properly!!!
On closer inspection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............. A TREE FROG in the toilet!!!
ARGHHHHHHH! Just think about it for awhile!!!!
We finally got him to jump out and Merritt exercised the precision of a well seasoned frog hunter catching him mid-air as he lept out of the toilet and he released him to freedom outside!!!!
Okay, so the question still remains...............how does a tree frog get into a toilet (we had all been out) ???????? I still think he came up the pipes! Yikkes!!!!!
Merritt mixed a few drinks to help calm the girls down. What he didn't realize was that it was a Pre-Mixed drink and he not only added vodka, but he put in a little extra to help calm them down.
The result............
I fished the lake we were on several times from shore.
This is my idea of ICE Fishing!!!
I caught about a dozen of these guys. No biggies, in fact, I could have been charged with assaulting a juvenile some were so small!!
But a lot of fun none the less.
It was enough to wet the appetite of Merritt, June and my honey who all gave it a try.
There were several odd sightings through the week in addition to the tree frog!
We found this floating in the pool one evening!!
Merritt got a little scary more than once!!!!
It was a wonderful week with wonderful friends. We sure had a lot of laughs!!!
Just a fabulous week!!