Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sometimes the glass shoe fits!!!.
Last Wednesday Chris was coming in the house and saw this in the driveway.

By Monday it had turned into this!!

YeeHawwwww!!!! After 10 years Chris has finally gotten her Yellow Volkswagen!!!
It all started in 1998 when the boys rented a Yellow VW Beetle for Chris for the weekend for her birthday. We had owned two original "
Bugs" and she had liked the New Beetle ever since they were re-introduced, but after that weekend it was a love affair that never faded.
The car arrived at Roseland Motors from London, ON on Thursday. We had to drop off my ownership from my old van to get the "
NANA 24" plates transferred. We had Evan with us for a visit. He never realized that he was looking at Nana's "PunchBuggy"!

We picked it up on Monday afternoon complete with a Yellow Sunflower in the vase and a Red Ribbon on the car. The salesman, Craig Kovac was excellent!

The signs in the background help explain the purchase.
It is amazing how these things attract each other. We were hardly out of the parking lot and it picked up the scent of another one!

We are always watching for Yellow Volkswagens and rarely see them. We saw five others on Monday.
We then started the "
Shock and Awe Tour". First stop was to Chris' Mom's place where she was very pleasantly surprised. The image of Chris and her Mom bombing around town in the "Yellow Bug" is easy to imagine!
Next stop was at Taylor Steel where Terry caught a glimpse of a Yellow Bug through a window up by his crane and noticed that the licence plate was NANA 24!!! He was already on his way out when I went in to get him.

Unfortunately, we missed Mandy and the Kids when we went down to their house (they will probably see it at Karate tomorrow night).
Today we stopped by Paul's house.

Rachel seemed to like it.

Paul took it out for a spin with Mom and put it through its paces.
Unfortunately, we missed Andrea who had to go into work.
Evan found out that he was the first person to actually see Nana's Bug last Thursday!
The boys were exceptionally happy for her and it was great to share the excitement with them.
The whole neighbourhood has been high fiving her as they've been hearing her say for years how much she would love to have a Yellow Volkswagen.
This is a scene that you may see go flying past you at any time!

And I'm thinking that I will never have to iron another shirt again!!! hahahahahaha

Enjoy it Baby!!!! You deserve it!!!