Last week I lost a good friend and co-worker in Rick Tozer.
I first heard he was sick on February 18 and mentioned him in my blog. Rick was an inspiration to me. I first really got to work with him on the NT project in 1997. He was named Project Manager and I was made Test Lab Manager. It was a daunting task to convert close to 4000 machines from Windows 3.1 over to NT. The only reason that we got the job was that no one else wanted to do it! Everyone thought that it would fail. The project ended up being a total success, thanks in large part to Rick's energy and leadership. I could go on for hours with stories about that.

The picture above was a bi-product of that project. We had to fly down to Dallas to attend an SMS conference. The only thing I remember about the conference was the "NO HANDGUNS BEYOND THIS POINT" sign at the entrance to the conference center!
What I do remember was the quality time that I spent with Rick and all the laughs we had. Ask me sometime about our experience at the Book Repository where Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy.
It was cheaper for Dofasco to have us stay till Sunday, which allowed us time to attend Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs between Dallas and Edmonton where Andy Moog and Curtis Joseph put on a goalie clinic which Edmonton won 1-0 in double overtime for a major upset.
We went straight from the arena to Lake Fork, Texas, home of some of the biggest bass in the State!! We had hired a guide and spent a hairy day (included a huge Texas thunderstorm) bombing between the flooded trees at 70 mph!!
The picture above was taken at the restaurant we stopped at after a great week and a great day of fishing. I remember getting a huge steak dinner and Rick had all you can eat catfish. I don't think the bill came to $20!! He talked about that for years. It was a great culmination to a fabulous trip with a fabulous buddy!!
Rick has been on my mind since I heard of his illness (pancreatic cancer). He was only 47 and leaves behind a wonderful daughter Samantha and his dear wife Maria. Please have his family in your prayers.
While the last two months have been a real downer, I will choose to remember Rick for all his energy and all the good times. I already miss his Moose Jerky and his regaling of fishing stories with his brother Bill.
Rest in Peace my Friend . You still live on in our hearts.
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