February 28, 2010
We early woke this morning to a full moon shimmering down on the lake outside our bedroom window. A wonderful way to be leaving the house that has been home for the last month.
Today starts our slow process of going home. We have booked a last minute timeshare at the Sheraton Plantation in Myrtle Beach. We have stayed there before and it is a nice resort.
We were on the road by 6:30 am and stopped in Savannah Ga for the afternoon. It is a place we have always wanted to visit and it turned out to be a great experience.
We spent the afternoon along the River Road, a cobblestone road full of shops and eateries which runs alongside the Savannah River.

Peacemaker was moored at the dock. It is owned by the
Twelve Tribes a religious communal group.

It is a real interesting area.

We stopped for a bite to eat at the Shrimp Factory before moving on. You can also see Chris' Mickey Peace symbol that I got her in Downtown Disney. Everyone comments on it.
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We pressed on towards Myrtle Beach. Now I faced a dilemma. The Canada/USA Gold Medal game was starting. My cell phone was not working so getting phone updates wasn't going to work. I couldn't get it on the radio. I stopped in at three McDonalds trying to get a wireless update on my iphone, but none of them were working (they were all supposed to be free on January 10.......... Damn!!!). Then I located a Best Western (I think in Varneville, SC) and went into the lobby to "borrow" some of their free wireless!! and lo and behold, the game is on a big screen in the lobby. Holy crap! One and a half minutes left and Canada is up 2-1. Canada calls a time out, I run out to the van and get Chris. She just walks in the door and the USA ties it up with 24 seconds left. The period ends and she says "Come on, we'd better get going" and I say "ARE YOU KIDDING????"
We sweat it out in overtime until
Sid the Kid becomes a National Hero!! What a great way to end the Olympics!!

But I must say that I was moved by many other new National Heroes. People like Joannie Rochette and Virtue and Moir and many others. And I was more than surprised, in fact amazed at the American (NBC) perspective on the Olympics. They gave a surprisingly balanced view of the games and gave Canadian athletes much exposure and painted such a positive picture of our country.
It was time to get back on the road. We didn't get into Myrtle Beach until 9:30 pm, but I got a chance to watch some of the closing ceremonies (including Neil Young!) once in our unit at the Sheraton Plantation. This is a very nice timeshare that we stayed at once before.

It's been a loooong and eventful day!!!