Happy New Year!!

January 1, 2012

All the best to all of our friends this New Year!
May it bring you all health and happiness.

Happy Retirement Carol!

After 33 years at the Bank of Montreal, Chris' best friend Carol retired today.
Happy retirement Carol and thanks for being there for Chris and I when things were tough.

Fuji Friday with the FishGuts

Friday, December 30, 2011
The FishGuts have maintained a tradition for years. It started back when we were all working at Dofasco (well all except Bud). We would regularly meet at Mr. Fuji's (Fuji Japan) on Fridays for lunch. We were informed today by Mr. Fuji that he will not be renewing his lease at the end of January. That is very unfortunate. We always enjoyed his knife weilding skills and of course his amazing Teriaki Chicken!

Lunch with Judy & Robin

Thursday, December 28, 2011

Took some time today to have lunch with my favorite little sister Judy and her daughter (my niece) Robin who was down from Blackstock.

It was a great chance to catch up on the latest news and prep Judy for her new tenant starting next week!

Time to Get Out of Here!

Well it's getting too damn cold around here. This morning was a freezing 22F !!

I looked out the window and there was all sorts of snow!
Those Palm Trees are looking pretty damn good!

Then Pogger sends me a picture of the kids from last night!

It was green grass the night before.

I think it's time to Get Out of Here!!

I'm Back!!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
After a lengthy absence, I have returned to my blog ready to take you on new adventures!!
Stay tuned…