We've heard over the years about a flea market in Webster that is held on Mondays. This year I did a little more research. Webster is located about an hour North West of where we are. Basically, you drive north to Clairmont, turn left and drive 20 miles past a few cattle farms and shacks, then turn right and drive another 7 miles to this "if you blink you'll miss it" town of Webster.

The only issue I had initially was putting an address into my GPS that took me down this road to a cemetery.

We were starting to have our doubts about a flea market. We got straightened out and drove into the (tiny) heart of Webster. "Holy Crap!", there it was! The biggest flea market I've ever seen (yes bigger than Daytona or the BigWheel) right smack dab in the middle if nowhere! There were 1200-1500 booths and the place was crawling with seniors.

And then we find out that there are actually TWO flea markets basically separated by a roadway/cattle path. the other one is totally outdoors versus the first one mostly covered, but is almost as big. I have to say that this was one of the best flea markets we've ever been to. Much more variety than most. We have tired of flea markets in recent years.
I picked up a few pair of clip on sunglasses (opted for polarized rather poloroid Moe) for $5 each versus $15-20 everywhere else.

Batteries.... 4 packs for a dollar!

Got this fanny pack for $8

I also grabbed this cool visor cap for $5 that shows off my new hairdo!!

Given that we were fashionably late, arriving around 12:30 and finding out that most vendors closed up around 2:30, we obviously didn't cover it all and didn't even hit the second one, I guess we'll have to come back again, but obviously get there earlier and leave earlier. We stayed till the end and got caught up in a traffic jam all the way to Clermont!!
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