Today is our son Terry's birthday. We won't tell you his age, but if you've been following our blog, he is one year younger than our anniversary that we just celebrated! 8O)

We decided to celebrate Terry's birthday with a trip to Winter Haven (never been there) and see if we could find Legoland. Legoland is on the property of the former Cypress Gardens and we had excellent reports from brother Bud when he was there earlier this year.
We had an interesting drive along the way. Lots of cool looking lakes. Now I've heard about kids having to go while their on the School Bus, but this is ridiculous!!

We stopped at a Really cool McDonalds (so Chris could do the same thing as the kids need to do on the bus). It was all done up 50's style. They had a cool juke box similar to the ones Chris used to have in her garage at home when she was a kid.

Besides the Blues Brothers, they also had an Elvis and a Marilyn Monroe. It was all the old stools and period tables. The coolest McDonalds I've been in.

Of course we have to stop at these every time we see one!

We finally got to Legoland, but it was getting dark and they were closing (we weren't going to go in anyways).
Winter Haven is a very pretty town with lots of lakes and lots of small town feel. We'll definitely come back to visit again.
Rather than go home, we decided to go to the Disney Boardwalk for the evening.

The lobby as usual is always impressive.

We enjoy watching the buskers at the Boardwalk. This guy had me personally inspect his sword before he swallowed it. I don't know if he really swallowed it, but I couldn't find anything phony about it.

Shortly after taking this picture the guy extends the pole at least 3 times longer than it is here and still drops the ball off the tiny backboard and into the basket!!!!

If you look closely you can see the Crescent Moon along with Venus and Jupiter in a straight line above it!

We split a sugar free cheesecake and a tea to celebrate our little boy's birthday and to bring a close to another awesome day!

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