We decided to do some shopping in preparation for the coming week.
Look at all the wine!!
Help me, I think we're all becoming Hoity Toity!!! Yikes!!

It's all the finest of "Oak Leaf" wine from that fine winery WalMart. Cost $2.97 a bottle. Andre and Mardi have become connoisseurs. We'll see what Moe and Barry think???
From there we went to Costco. Had a great chat with this guy from Yamaha. The Baby Grande regukarly $30,000 could be had for $18,000, only at Costco. The Electric Piano that he is demonstrating was $8,000. The guy was amazing! I could have listened to him all day.
You can't go to Costco without trying a few samples.....


We then stopped back at the Guitar Center that I was at the other day to see if any new Mandolins had come in........... NOT!!

We resisted buying this $86,000 acoustic!
The inlay was spectacular!

While there I was serenaded by the feathery fibgers of this maestro!!
We then hooked up with Bud and Mardi and gave Logan's Roadhouse a try.
It was good.

We then returned to our unit so that my former friends could beat the crap out of me at 31 again.
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