All good things must come to an end, and so we all took Moe and Barry to the airport for their flight home.

We returned to our Villas and went for a swim in the Lazy River. Unfortunately (fortunately) Bud didn't provide me with the pictures in time to publish 8O)
The highlight of the pool time was spotting my first Monarch Butterfly since Chris' passing, right near her favourite spot!! AWESOME!!
We followed with a marathon MPGA (Mini-Putt Golf Association) Tournament! We played 36 gruelling holes and walked the entire course (no carts!)

I destroyed them to win the 1st Annual MPGA Cup!! The poor chumps never knew what hit them. It was the pure athlete in me breaking out of my humble mode to put a real beating on them that they won't soon forget!.......... you can probably see the frustration in their faces in this pic!

With the beating over, I consoled them all by suggesting that we go to the Alehouse for our Last Supper.
Mardi joined us and we had another fabulous meal.

I have been a pretty good boy this past month. My coach would be proud of me, but my elation from the earlier trouncing I performed,went to my head and I ordered this chocolate beast!

I could only finish half of it. Maybe my stomach has shrunk?????
This has been a fabulous month and I must thank my buddies for coming down to support me this week. I am very, very blessed to have the friends I have.
Their reward was to escape the coldest week at home in two years and bask in the glorious weather that we've had!
My reward was their presence.
Thanks Guys.
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