Today was our big trip to NASA. We were supposed to leave ast 10:00 am, but herding FishGuts is like herding chickens....... or maybe Sandhill Cranes 8O)

We eventually got away at 11:00 am.
Barry, Paul and Andre had never been there. I haven't been in 25 years.
NASA did not disappoint.

Moe and I fit into this Gemini mockup. We wondered where they would store all he poop on a 14 day mission????

Myself, Bud and Andre give the thumbs up in an Apollo command capsule.
Not easy getting back out!

This is the actual gantry that Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins walked on to get into their Apollo 11 Spacecraft! A real piece of history.

Barry standing beside the Saturn 5 Rocket that propelled the Apollo Spacecraft to give it a bit of perspective.

This is the real deal! The actual Apollo 14 Command Module that circled the moon!!
This is living history man!

Another piece of history. Buzz Aldrin's (second man on the moon) spacesuit that he wore on the moon. You can still see the imbedded moon dust!

This volunteer was actually working in Mission Control (on telemetry for the 2nd stage) on Apollo 11!!
Now that is cool!!

Here is the actual Mission Control Room for the Apollo Series.

We also saw an awesome 3D IMAX movie on the Hubble Telescope and the universe and took a simulated launch in the Shuttle cargo bay. Both excellent adventures!
We left NASA and headed down to Cocoa Beach where we visited Ron Jon's, Moe's favourite store.

From there we went to The Old Fish House nearby for dinner based on internet ratings. They were accurate. It was an excellent meal.

It was an excellent FishGuts Day! NASA will have the space shuttle Atlantis on display in a new building next year. I think it will call for a return visit!

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