We got up, had breakfast, checked out and headed back to L'Amabe to do a shorter run that Glen Hagerman had recommended for us today. It was a loop that did a big circle with some nice elevation changes and passed through Coe Hill.
This was another great ride and just our two sleds today. The trail was very scenic and easy to follow and passed several lakes and some high spots that provided beautiful views.
We were on the trail for only a short time when two white tailed deer ran off the trail. Not sure if you can spot them here looking at us.

One of the spots that we stopped just to check that everything was all right.

These trails were just as scenic as yesterday.
We stopped in Coe Hill for a hot chocolate and saw the groomer that Ron Hadley had been working on passing by.

A beautiful view of a lake below. Temperatures both days was -20C, but with the right clothing and equipment, we never felt cold.

We put on about 70 km today and once we got back to the Clubhouse, loaded the trailer and headed back to Brooklin where we enjoyed a great dinner at Swiss Chalet with Andrea and Rachel.

Thank you Pogger and Evan for such a memorable trip. This is probably the first time that I have embraced winter in 20 years or longer.
Hopefully the trails will still be open in March when I return home :)
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