Sunday, February 10, 2013
Paul has been talking about taking me snowmobiling for sometime now. Since I'm home for some of this winter and there was a snowfall to create a base for the trails, we decided to go out today.
We drove to his club (Port Perry Snowmobile Club) and got the sleds off the trailer. The Red one is Max, an older Yamaha, his first snowmobile. The black one is his newer SkiDoo, a very comfortable "Old Man" sled that I would get to drive.

Before you knew it, we were running the trails and heading to the Horton's on 35/115. Most of the trails ran through the woods and it was very picturesque.

We came around one corner and saw this!!
A lady was running on it and she saw smoke coming out near her boot. By the time she got off, it was in flames!
Once we knew everyone was all right, got a lowdown on what had happened and the flames died down, we continued on our way.
We made it to Timmies and enjoyed a nice hot chocolate.

On our way back we came back by the burned snowmobile, this was all that was left of her machine.

No picture! What's with that? We certainly had enough time to take plenty while we waited for our food!!
We then got back on the machines and returned to Paul's Clubhouse. Evan road back with me. We went over 100 km.
Paul then loaded the machines on the trailer and we returned to Paul's place.
What a great new experience! If you're dressed for it, and have good machines it can be a great time.
I will have to do this again.
Thanks Pogger and Evan for a great day.

Gotta love it :)
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