Thought it was time to head to Stirling to meet up with Merritt, June, Mike and Sondra and the rest of the Wood's gang.
No sooner got out of the van than Merritt hollered at me from across the road at son Brian's place.

It wasn't long before the "Red Plastic Cups" came out!
Cheers! That's Brian's friend Jack in the picture.

Got settled in Merritt's place and sat in the sun room (they have two) with June, Mike, Sondra and Merritt, and enjoyed some great conversation and great views.

Now, that thar is a great view!!

I enjoyed two fabulous dinners over the two days.

Saturday morning I went over to Mike and Sondra's for coffee.
Their view is not too shabby either!!!!

Merritt wanted to check out a boat in Tweed, so we all (minus Mike who had a guy coming to spread dirt) piled into Merritt's van and headed up there Saturday afternoon. The boat joint was closed (wasn't supposed to be), but Sondra had talked about a neat store on Hwy 7 in Actinolite.
On the way there we stopped at this place on #7. They were talking about bears in cages here in the 50's & 60's. I remember seeing those bears when I was a kid when we were up visiting Alf Edwards in Cloyne!!!!

We finally got to the Unconventional Moose store that Sondra had talked about and the Moose was unconventionally decked out in his Easter bunny outfit!

The store was very cool and I scored these coasters of Weslemkoon and a matching mug! Now how cool is that?......... You're not going to find those just anywhere!!

It was a great store and I'll check it out again in the summer when I'm up this way to Calabogie. Be sure to check it out if you get up this way.
I had a great two days with the Wood's family. They call their spare bedroom Roger's Room!
I now have Sondra forwarding the weekend menu's to me. I'm sure I'll be back soon!
Thanks for all the hospitality and laughs.
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