Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Today was a BIG day. I've been setting a goal of biking to Port Dover (48km) in preparation for the Pelee Pedal with the Trompers. Today was the day! I thought that it would also be a neat tribute to my brother who is currently hiking somewhere in the Grand Canyon.
My neighbour Mark joined me. Here he is checking the route in Waterford where I biked to the other day.
Lots of neat scenery. Here's a machine harvesting tobacco.
Lots of hay bales along the way. I still can't get over the amount of green space along the trails.
We made good time to Simcoe. Only 12 km to go.
We stopped at this bridge 7km down the trail to take a few shots.
5 km to go! And feeling really good. ....
We get back back on our bikes for the Grand Finale! Lynn is waiting for us in Port Dover. What the ???????
Damn, a flat tire.
A major disappointment!
We contemplated walking the last 5 km, but decided to call Lynn to pick us up so I could get back for the Brantford Airshow on time.
So close!!!!
Next time.........
Got home, showered and drove over to the Brantford Airshow with Lynn's Grand Daughter Mykayla and Dion's girlfriend's son Jordan.
What a spectacular show!!!
Lots of aerobatic performances and lots of impressive planes, like this P51 Mustang from WWII. What a beauty and sounded great in the flybys.
These four Harvards put on an amazing precision demonstration.
The F-18 was as dramatic as it was loud!
The highlight of the show of course was the Snowbirds.
I haven't seen them in a few years. So many pictures I could include. They were amazing.
Parking was $10 and admission was a donation to kid's charities. I can't wait to go again next year!!