39 years with my sweetheart! It was 39 years (and about 100 lbs!) ago on a wintry February day that we tied the knot. I can still remember standing at the front of the church and watching my bride coming down the aisle with her Dad with her shoulders bouncing from crying!! She cried all the way through the ceremony!!.................... I think they were tears of Joy!!
As I said in my last post, we drove the last 2 hours at night and had no idea of what was around us. WOW!!! What a beautiful place to celebrate your 39th Anniversary!
This was the view we walked out to.
We had been on the road for four days so there was a bit of laundry to do. Chris caught a few rays while she was waiting. Weather at this point was in the high 50's, but you could almost build a sweat sitting around all this concrete.
Thanks to friends like Barry, I'm slowly being introduced to laundry.
We headed towards Sedona and stopped at this viewing area. We asked a gentleman that was parked there if he would take our picture.
We talked to him for a few minutes and found out he was from Sedona and had just picked up his new pickup in Cottonwood (2 miles from where we are). He had pulled over in the parking lot to review the manual.
As we're talking he just started sliding down the side of his truck!!
He had passed out for a few seconds and wasn't very coherent. As he regained his orientation, he said that he felt light headed and had some tingling in his arms. I called 911. I was barely in cell range and after 4 calls managed to get enough information to them to give them an idea of where we were. We were approximately 7 miles out of Sedona and they showed up with a ladder truck and an emergency truck. The guys were very professional and efficient. We convinced Mr. Austin to go with the emergency truck and all was good. Gotta love 911!
With our good deed done for the day, we continued our journey to Sedona.
This is a stitched shot, but doesn't do it justice when reduced.

What's the first thing a person would head to in beautiful Sedona?
Why a Bealls of course!!
We had a great time wandering through a lot of the town and then headed to Shugrue's Hillside Grill for a celebration dinner complete with view and flamenco guitar player.
Cheers Baby!!
Okay, okay!! Did anybody notice that my baby wore her shirt inside out all day!!!
I love you anyways baby!
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