One of my "50 Things To Do Before I Die" (Bucket List) is to learn how to Fly Fish. Part 1 of that venture happened back in March when I purchased a fly rod and reel. I reported it here.
Today was the day of my Fly Fishing Lesson from my good friend and fellow Bass Pro Associate, Michael Wong, a Canadian Champion Fly Fisherman and also a Certified Fly Fishing Instructor!
I met Mike at The Ponds which are located on #48 Hwy just north of Mount Albert. Mike was not his usual jovial self. He was obviously very focused, knowing that he was about to take on one of the biggest challenges he has ever faced. He was about to try and tame and mentor Bubba Bassman!! Can you teach an old Redneck Dog new tricks????????
Mike immediately swung into action, laying out cones at 30, 40 and 50 feet.

After learning some very basic and very valuable tips about assembling my rod, reel and line, Mike started demonstrating the basics of casting.
Oh my God!!! I really was in the presence of a MASTER!!!! Mike started his fluid motion and kept extending his cast further and further..... 30 feet....40 feet....50 feet....60 feet!!!! I have to admit, it really was a beautiful thing to watch! He did it so effortlessly!!

Okay, now it was BUBBA's turn. Thank God there were no pictures and thank God I was only casting a piece of yarn on the end of my line!!! NO having to dig hooks out of the back of my head!!!!
After reviewing hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, body positioning, rod position, etc, etc, Mike took the Master's chair (well out of range) and quietly corrected and encouraged me. "Nice and Easy"..... "Just like a pendulum"........"That's Good!"........"10 to 12, not 10 to 2"........."tight loops!"......

After a few hours of waxing and waning and hauling (only us fly fishermen understand these terms), it was time to put on a "real fly" and try my luck in the water. Here's a partial display of some of Michael's fabulous creations. You can see some dry flys, wet flys, woolie buggers and streamers.

Now there was more to learn! How to cast and work the fly, roll casting, false casting, how to hold your rod and peel your line back, how to set the hook, play the fish and land and release him!!
Michael got it started landing the first trout.

This is the first Rainbow in my life. A beautiful fish that was quickly photoed and released.

Not long after it was followed by a second!! A little bigger.

It was getting on in the day, but Mike kept saying "One more fish"!!
After a couple of more, I latched into my biggest of the day! This guy peeled off line several times and gave me a great fight!

It was a beautiful rainbow and a great way to end a fabulous day.

As we left The Ponds, I thought that I might feel a little "Light on my Feet" and worried that I might pull into a Starbucks on the way home for a "Wapae-Frappe-Faggae-Latte Grande"!!!!!
But not to worry!!! NO such feelings came over me!!
I stopped into a Timmies on the way home for a Large Double Double!! Life was still good!!
Thanks Mike for all your patience and a very special day!! I can't believe how much I learned. You are an amazing instructor as well as a good friend!!

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