I mentioned in an earlier blog that the Resort we're going to next has a Bluegrass Guitar Workshop on Tuesday afternoons, so I thought I would saunter over there today to check it out.
It was on the 2nd floor of the Activities Building which is quite large. I had pictured 3 or 4 guys sitting' around pickin away. Wasn't like that at all. There were actually 9 guitar players and a guy on harmonica. I was immediately given a song book as soon as I entered the room and encouraged to sing along. Very much like a FishGut's Practix. People would call out page numbers and everyone would join in. Book was similar to FishGut's Song Book, but not quite as well organized (and ours needs work).

Nice spot to sit around the fire too.

They played for about 2 hours with a short break in the middle and didn't watch any Leaf games (inside joke with FishGuts). They did a few songs that hit a chord (pardon the pun) with me. "You Are My Sunshine" always brings pleasant thoughts of my Mom, and whoda thunk, they did a rendition of "Ridin Down The Canyon"!! an old Gene Autry tune that my Father recorded circa 1950 and that the FishGuts recorded for their Big FishGuts Debut album a few years ago.
That pretty much sealed the deal for me :)
Terry has already picked up my guitar from the house and taken it to Brother Bud's who will be down on the 13th to deliver it. Based on what I saw today, I think he should bring down his accordion and give up a few golf days!
The view from upstairs is fabulous. Here's a view of the pool and lake.

Some of the folks here take their bass fishing seriously!

Finished the day off with dinner at Sweet Tomatoes. If you're ever in the the South you gotta try it.