Our last day here in Floridise. We decided to try and find the Disney Collectible store that Quinton and his wife Margaret had told us about. Followed the GPS out to Winter Garden and there it was.

Over 250,00 Disney items. Some real interesting stuff here.

You could have this Mickey for $1500!

Picked up a few items including 3 used Vinylmations that were huge scores!
From there we went back to Disney Market Place. Sat and watched Sunny Jim for a set.

Asked him to do Hotel California. He does an awesome version along with steel drums.
Went through the various stores trading and upgrading a few of our Vinylmations. Took one last cruise up to Key West then back to Pleasure Island and worked our way back to our vehicle with one last stop at Ghiaradellis 80)
We headed back for one last dinner at Miller's Ale House. A great way to end the Florida portion of this most memorable trip. Packed up and ready to go in the morning.

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