Well we hoisted the anchor and pointed our ship north for the return trip home today. We have had such a great stay, but still leave with a few things not accomplished. We wanted to get together with Carol Gilley one more time. Never got to Bahama Breeze. Never got to The Big Wheel Flea Market or back to Webster. They'll all have to wait till next year I guess.
We have had a wonderful time, seen some new sites, and shared great times with many wonderful friends and family.
We now move on to Asheville, NC and the Biltmore House.
Stopped for a pit stop in Daytona and got a view of the track.

We racked up 1000 km and went from sea level to over 2000 feet here in Asheville. We arrived around 6:00, checked our bags at the hotel and checked out the downtown area. What a pleasant surprise. The downtown area is loaded with artsy fartsy stores and loads of young people. We've seen more than a few Old VW vans. It seems like a thriving Hippie Village. In fact our server tonight said that it was used as a Hippie Village in the new movie The Hunger Games.
A long and tiring day, but looking forward to the Biltmore House tomorrow.

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