Today was all over the map.
Spent the morning watching Eckhart Tolle and Oprah on You Tube reviewing Chapter 1 of "A New Earth" (one of the things I want to accomplish before going home) and then picked up my guitar and started getting my fingers calloused in preparation for "Songwriter's Week" that's coming up.
Speaking of callouses, my 4 mile walk the other day gave me a callous on the bottom of my foot. Ouch!
So today I transferred my exercise to the pool. There are 9 pools here, I chose Splash Lagoon. Believe it or not, it had the straightest run for doing laps.

Did my laps then settled in for a rest and to listen to Chapter 2 of A New Earth on audiobook.

Returned to my unit just in time to meet Bud and Mardi to go to a Taylor made Golf demonstration. Boy am I ever becoming adventurous!!!!

Bud and Mardi got a bucket of balls and whacked a few balls out using Taylor Drivers.

From there I introduced Bud and Mardi to CiCi's. They've never been before. This was a dry run for the next time their Grand kids are down.

Back to their place for tea and another great night.
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