With temperatures forecast in the low 60s for today, we had decided to spend the day at Daytona Beach and top it off with a trip to the dog races (Evan's been wanting to go see them). We drove by the Daytona Speedway, home of the Daytona 500.

It's Bike Week! Wild machines everywhere! It was interesting to observe that the average age of the riders was between 55 to 60.

Between high tide and high winds, the beach was closed to vehicles for another hour so we drove down to New Smyrna to show them where Nana, Nana Mae Mae, and Papa Ivan's ashes were located. This is the last place Chris' parents stayed at years ago.

Here we are near the spot.

We drove the .Beach of New Smyrna and then returned to Daytona where the beaches were now also open to drive on. The kids standing (sort of) in the Atlantic Ocean.

The only person in the water was this dude who was putting on an amazing demonstration of para-sailing!
We drove further down the beach and saw this bird that appeared to have a broken leg or something.

On closer observation, it was an immature loon (they molt when down here so lose most of their colour). It was grounded (Loons can't take off from land). Once high tide returned, it should be able to get into the water and take off, but just to be sure we talked to someone who contacted Beach Patrol, that would contact a local bird lady that helps birds recover. Hopefully, a happy ending.

We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner in great anticipation of the upcoming Dog Races. The lady there told us that they had relocated the dog track from the Speedway to a about a mile down the road to a new facility. The parking lot was quite full (they also have Poker there), but when we entered we were told that the dogs were not running tonight (there had been a matinee instead)....... bummer! I thought their website said that they were running, but maybe I misread it.
On our way out we came across this fine looking RV..........being held together with wood!!!

Notice the hole for the gas.

Something tells me this wouldn't pass inspection back home.

We managed to salvage the night by returning to Pirate's Cove to play the second course, which turned out to be a good decision.

An interesting hole....
Another fun night!

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