Gators and Boars

Wednesday, November 6, 2014

We got a chance to use our South Carolina Fishing Licences from the docks of the timeshare.  Lynn felt more secure sitting as she fished.  That's the tour boat we were on the day before docked behind her.  

We got skunked, but this guy caught a nice 26" Striper Bass.   These salt water fish were trapped in Lake Marion after the Dam was built.  Everyone thought there would be a massive die off, but the strikers thrived, making for a very unique fishery. 

After we put the rods away we crossed the bridge to the other side of the lake to check out the Santee National Wildlife Refuge. 

They had many interesting displays in the Visitor Centre. 

This alligator was estimated to be 12 feet long. You measure the distance between the nose and eyes in inches and that's roughly equal to its length in feet. 

We drove over to the Cuddo Unit where you could drive down Alligator Alley, a road beside the swamp.  

We spotted about 4 good size alligators. This one was the largest, about 12 feet long.  Some get to be 17 feet in length weighing over 700 pounds!

We also spotted a wild boar cross the road ahead of us as well as these wild turkeys. 

A very interesting visit.  

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