Tuesday, March, 27, 2012
This tree on the property reminds me of the Tree of Life at Animal Kingdom. A very majestic looking tree.
This is my office view.
While I was doing this, an Osprey came by and I watched him soaring for 15 minutes before he finally put his wings back and plowed into the water. Unfortunately, he came up empty handed (taloned??)
So just to explain, the bridge below leads to an island where one of the greens resides for one of the 4 golf courses here. I don't know which one it is, Bud & Mardi could tell you.
Now tell me, how stupid is that?? I have sat and watched golfer after golfer put their balls into the water again and again. I have heard a lot of
£!##%. I have also picked up a few balls that golfers have hit just feet from our patio and are too embarrassed or rich to pick them up. And they say golf is relaxing. Hahahahaha, not from what I've seen. It is however; extremely relaxing and entertaining to sit in the sun with the gentle breeze blowing watching these crazies put on a show!
And it's another
"free" activity that I've enjoyed!!
We were on our way out to pick up a few things and as we passed the
Gaylord Palms we were discussing how we hadn't stopped in this year. Eeerrrrch! quick right hand turn and we're in the parking lot. First half hour is free. After that it's a $15 flat fee! Yikes! So I start my stopwatch and we head in, check the place out again, take a few pictures.......
Not sure if you can make out all the turtles and alligators on the rock in this shot.
Lots of beautiful flowers and fauna.

Chris does a bit of shopping and we come out
50 minutes later.......... So I turn on my charm with the parking attendant and she let's us out for
We stopped at the Loop and Premium Outlet for a few last minute things. When we were at Premium we of course went into the Disney Character Store and they had 2011 Vinylmations on sale for $1.99.
They only had three left so we bought them all. We immediately traded one and ended up getting Ariel which is selling for $125 on E-Bay!!! Yeah baby!
We traded another for a Cave Painting from Urban #8
Then traded him to a Vinylmation Trader that we met there for "Dan from Animal Kingdom Series 3" which is currently selliing for $60!
Quinton and his wife (the traders) were very interesting young folks. Very knowledgeable and we had a very interesting discussion with them covering all sorts of interesting topics.
Has anybody noticed the neat sky show recently? That's the Moon, Venus and Jupiter all together in the night sky. Very cool. Always thought it was cool that we could be 1500 miles away and looking at the same thing in the sky as people back home.
Has anybody noticed the fluffy white clouds in all our pictures?? We have lived in Paradise almost every day for the last 3 months. Barry sent me a local weather report from home last week where it was unseasonably warm. Well I think today he is wearing long underwear again. You know, the kind with the trap door in the back. We have been experiencing cool nights this week, dropping down to 65 sometimes (that's 18C for you idiots that still use that system).
The forecast for Asheville, Nashville and Branson is still 70's, so could someone please turn the weather back up before we get home?
Thank You 80)