Williamsburg to Lancaster

November 10, 2008

We finished up a fabulous week at Williamsburg by going back to the huge Yankee Candle store where Chris dipped a few candles.

We also had to take one more dramatic drive down the Colonial Parkway. For me this was the absolute highlight. Never have I seen such dramatic colours!!

We left Williamsburg on Sunday morning and made a stop to see the Luray Caverns. Paul had told us about them earlier this summer when he was there and they were everything he said they were. Really quite amazing. http://luraycaverns.com/
We walked for a mile and a half under ground going down as far as 168 feet below the surface.

We arrived in Lancaster, PA late on Sunday. We wanted to take a few extra days to get an overview of Lancaster so that we would have a lay of the land for a future visit. We drove through Bird-In-Hand and Intercourse. We drove through covered bridges.

Monday is obviously laundry day in the Amish community as we saw clotheslines full of clothes everywhere we went.

Horse and buggies were everywhere, complete with tail lights and blinkers.

A pleasant surprise was the train museum at Strasburg. I knew that they had an operating steam train there, but had no idea how extensive it was. There was even a motel nearby that was comprised of about 30 old cabooses as rooms.

We moved on to Hershey. Chris has wanted to see this for years. The city is complete with Hershey Kisses streetlights.

And of course we had to do the Hershey Chocolate Tour.


Jules said...

Billy ??? you took Aunt Chris to CHOCOLATE world she must have been in HEAVEN!!!

Bill said...

you guys are some busy! SASman