Who'da Thunk!!

I received an email back in late September asking if id be interested in returning to Dofasco for a six month stint to help in the roll out of Windows 7 to the company's 5000 PCs.
My first reaction was NO WAY!!!, but after some further thought and viewing the perspective of spending most of this winter at home, I thought Why Not??
After further discussion and clarification with Mark Radey I decided to accept. 
Never ever in my life did I ever think I would return!! 
I've been gone for over 5 years, but when I returned it seemed like 2 weeks!!!!  Same faces (just fewer), and same problems they were dealing with before. There were new challenges, but when I looked around the room, I saw people who were capable of making this happen. 
The most difficult challenge for me was the new drive from the West side of Brantford. I have to drive through 2 cities to get to work! What used to be a 15-20 drive is now a 55+ minute drive!
One of the funny things that has happened is that I am working with my good buddy (and almost cousin), Maurice Hughes on this project.   

We never had a chance to work together in my previous career. 
The other bonus is that I get to see my little squirt sister every day!

That's Judy on the left (50 Shades of Gray) and our good friend Cheryl on Halloween day!

This is a poster that I put up when I left 5 years ago!!

It's nice to see it still there. 

I will keep you posted as the project progresses. 

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