Congratulations Miranda & Maddy!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
I went to the girl's Karate Lessons last night and it turns out that they were getting a surprise evaluation!!
The girls were in a group of 9 kids. You could see the concern on Miranda's face as she was waiting for her turn. The girls went through their routine (quite involved, I wish I knew what it was called) almost flawlessly! Actually, all the kids did very well.
After the evaluation, Sensei Robinson (8th degree blackbelt) handed out medals. She went in reverse order. Miranda finished 1st and Maddy finished 4th!! If you could only have seen their expressions!! Miranda was so proud of herself, as was Maddy. What a great confidence booster!
I was proud of them no matter where they would have placed, but it sure made it extra special!
Congratulations girls!!
And where are the pictures you ask?..............of all the nights to forget my camera!!! It killed me.

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